
”Happy New Year” in Japanese : The useful Japanese phrases


A Happy New Year!

I started to post some daily situational videos on TIKTOK in 2024. Many people subscribe to me. Thank you Very much.

I’m going to plan more useful contents and fun classes in 2025. Let’s practice Japanese this year too!


The first things we learn in this year are Japanese phrases for New Year.


Let’s start!




Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu(あけましておめでとうございます)

This is a nomal phrase after new year. It means “Happy New Year”.

Japanese people use every situation such as with family, with co-workers, with friends etc.


If you want to say casually, you can say Akemasite Omedetou(あけましておめでとう).





Kotoshi mo Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu(ことしもよろしくおねがいします)

This phrase means “I look foward to being with you”. You can say Kotoshi mo Yoroshiku(ことしもよろしく) on the casual way.





Japanese people often say them together these 2 phrases. Please try to use:)

Have a great new year, friends!






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