



C.C.Rainbow is Japanese language school. We will support your Japanese learning!


Many language schools in Japan are started from the beginning and keeping low level.

We are thinking it is a problem.

If you are interested in Japan, we recommend to finish to learn the beggining part before coming to Japan in order to avoid wasting your money.


We want to help your study, your life in Japan or to help you to go on to higher education.



We are really looking foward you to joining us!







2022年 日本語教育能力検定試験に合格。

2023年~ 日本語学校にて日本語教師として勤務。

2024年~ オンライン日本語レッスン開始。


初級からJLPT N2レベルに至るまで幅広いレベルの指導を担当。


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